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Headleasing refers to properties that Homes NSW lease in the private rental market and then sub-lease to approved social housing tenants. Generally, Homes NSW sub-lease these properties for a period from 6 months up to 3 years.

Why does Homes NSW headlease properties?

In many areas the level of demand for priority housing exceeds the supply of public housing. This causes a backlog of applicants that Homes NSW is unable to house.

By headleasing properties, Homes NSW is able to meet the short to medium term demand in areas where there is insufficient public housing stock, the properties available are not suitable for a particular tenant’s needs or where existing public housing is planned for redevelopment.

How does headleasing work?

Headleasing involves the creation of two separate leases. One lease is between Homes NSW and the landlord, and the other lease is between the tenant and Homes NSW. The Residential Tenancies Act applies to both leases.

What happens at the end of my tenancy agreement in a headleased property?

Your local client service team will be in contact with you prior to the expiry date to guide you through the appropriate process depending on the circumstances at the time.

There are 4 possible scenarios that can happen at the end of a lease in a headleased property:

  1. Your lease may be extended
  2. You may be relocated to another headleased property
  3. You may be relocated to a Homes NSW property
  4. You may be assisted to take up a private lease

Your obligations

Under the terms of your tenancy agreement you agree:

  • to keep the premises clean
  • to tell your local client service team about any damage or disrepair as soon as possible
  • to leave the premises in the condition they were in at the start of the tenancy
  • not to damage or permit damage to the premises deliberately or negligently – you are responsible for damage by anyone who you have allowed onto the premises
  • not to add or remove any fixtures, or do any renovations or alterations to the premises without the landlord’s written consent
  • not to keep any pets without the landlord’s written consent.

It is very important you ensure you meet your obligations to ensure your tenancy is maintained.

Repairs and maintenance

While living in a headleased property, the owner or managing agent are responsible for repairs and maintenance to the property. If you need any repairs, contact the Housing Contact Centre who will manage the request on your behalf.

Housing Contact Centre: 1800 422 322

Only emergency repairs will be done outside business hours. Emergency repairs include such things as a:

  • burst water service
  • total electrical failure
  • blocked or broken toilet
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Last updated: 24 Jul 2024