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Aboriginal Homelessness Support Service provides services specific to Aboriginal people, families, Aboriginal women with or without children, Aboriginal men with or without children, Aboriginal single women, Aboriginal single men, and Aboriginal youth, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Innari Incorporated
Phone: (02) 9518 3133
Aboriginal Outreach Casework Project support Aboriginal people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Aboriginal Corporation for Homeless & Rehabilitation Community Services
Phone: (02) 9564 2064
Aboriginal Women and Children’s Crisis Service includes a women's and children's refuge. It provides support services and crisis accommodation for Aboriginal women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness due to domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Marrickville Women's Refuge Ltd
Phone: (02) 9558 1702
Armidale Women's Homelessness Support Service provides a women's refuge and supports young women over 16 years, single women, and women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women affected by domestic and family violence or with complex needs.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Women’s Shelter Armidale
Phone: (02) 6772 5352; 1800 005 352 (24/7 toll-free)
Bathurst Homelessness and Housing Support Service for Adults and Families supports adult men and women, Aboriginal people, and families including women escaping domestic and family violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council
Phone: Wattle Tree House: 1800 851 858 / Bathurst Women and Children’s Refuge: 1800 738 303
Blacktown and Hills women escaping domestic violence provides two women's refuges and supports women and their children escaping domestic and family violence. It also supports men with children and Aboriginal people experiencing Domestic and Family Violence and homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Domestic Violence NSW Service Management
Phone: (02) 9621 0800
Blacktown/Hills Homelessness Service for Single Women provides support to single women experiencing domestic and family violence. It has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal women and is accessible to women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: DV West
Phone: (02) 4732 2318
Bourke Cobar Homelessness and Housing Support Service provides a safe house for women escaping domestic and family violence, and supports young people, adults and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Ltd
Phone: (02) 6872 1551, 1800 067 067, Cobar - (02) 6836 2172
Broken Hill Adults and Families Homelessness and Housing Support Service includes a women's refuge and supports adults and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to access accommodation and support, including those escaping domestic and family violence, and leaving custody.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: The Salvation Army (NSW) Property Trust
Phone: (08) 8087 1999
This service includes women's refuges and provides crisis and transitional accommodation to women with high and complex needs, including women escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Central Coast Emergency Accommodation Services Pty Ltd
Phone: (02) 4326 5395
Coffs Harbour, Bellingen and Nambucca Homelessness Support Service for Women identifies women with or without children who are escaping domestic and family violence and are at imminent risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Warrina Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services Co-operative Ltd
Phone: (02) 6652 4000
Cooma and Region Homelessness Support Service provides support to adults and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and whose tenancies are at risk, to sustain those tenancies.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia
Phone: (02) 6452 3623
Dubbo Homelessness and Housing Support Service for Adults and Families help adults and families, including women escaping domestic and family violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This service has a strong focus on Aboriginal people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Orana Support Service Inc
Phone: 1800 353 199
Eastern Murrumbidgee Network Homelessness Service provides refuge and crisis accommodation for women and access for clients, including those with complex needs, to homelessness support, a network of integrated services across the area, and brokerage packages.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Provider partners: Mission Australia, Sisters Housing Enterprises Inc, Tumut Regional Family Services Incorporated, Young Crisis Accommodation Centre
Phone: 02 5942 3555
Eastern Suburbs Adults and Families Homelessness Support Service supports families experiencing domestic violence, homeless or at risk of homelessness, and requiring specialist support for mental health, drug and alcohol challenges.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 1800 152 152
This service works with single men, women and women with children, experiencing domestic and family violence. It also assists men with or without children to access early intervention support. The service also provides support to single adults and families whose tenancies are at risk, to sustain tho
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: South East Women and Children's Services Inc.
Phone: (02) 4474 3226
Eurobodalla Homelessness Support Service works with people to access early intervention support, referrals to targeted services, temporary accommodation, support to secure tenancies, transitional accommodation, intensive support, and holistic, planned crisis responses.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Anglicare NSW South, NSW West & ACT
Phone: (02) 4474 7900
Goulburn Homelessness Support Service supports single men and women as well as families, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Anglicare NSW South NSW West and ACT
Phone: (02) 4823 4000
Great Lakes Manning Homelessness Support Service helps men and women with or without children, and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Great Lakes, Greater Taree and Gloucester areas. The service includes a women's refuge for women and children escaping domestic and family
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Samaritans Foundation Diocese of Newcastle
Phone: (02) 6539 3400
Gunnedah Homelessness Support Service supports young people, men, women and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women (with or without children) affected by domestic and family violence.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Gunnedah Family Support
Phone: (02) 6742 1515
Inner City Rapid Response Homelessness Service supports young people, women, men, transgender, gender diverse people and families to find and sustain long-term housing options.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: YWCA NSW
Provider partner: The Haymarket Foundation, Women's Housing Company
Phone: (02) 9285 6267
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - St Vincent de Paul, women, men, and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It provides prevention and early intervention, crisis and transition support, and intensive responses for clients with complex needs.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 13 18 12 Matthew Talbot Homeless Service - Inner City: (02) 9358 8102
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - The Salvation Army provides service supports young people, women, men and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: The Salvation Army Property Trust (New South Wales)
Phone: Foster House: (02) 9212 1065 Samaritan House: (02) 9211 5794 Oasis Youth: (02) 9331 2266
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - Wesley Mission support women and men who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. . It also delivers support to chronically homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Wesley Community Services Limited
Phone: (02) 9361 0981
Inner West Family Homelessness Support Service provides safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children escaping domestic and family violence and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 9560 2656, 1800 152 152
Inner West Youth Homelessness Service includes two youth refuges and provides support to young people under 25 years who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are currently experiencing homelessness in Sydney’s Inner West.
This service is for young people; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Youth Off The Streets Ltd Provider partners: Wesley Community Services Ltd and YWCA Australia.
Phone: Don Bosco House, Inner West Youth Off The Streets, Knight St: (02) 8217 4700, Wesley Inner West Youth: 1300 259 789, YWCA Inner West Youth: (02) 9285 6286, (02) 9285 6267
Inverell and Glen Innes Homelessness Support Service supports young people, women, men, and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including people affected by domestic and family violence, or leaving care or other institutions. This service includes a women’s refuge.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Pathfinders Ltd
Phone: Inverell: 6722 3502, Glen Innes: (02) 6720 8888, (02) 6720 8840
The Katungul Women's Healing Centre supports Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women (with or without children) escaping domestic and family violence, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Regional Health and Community Services
Phone: (02) 6492 0532
Kempsey Homelessness Support Service for Women supports women with or without and children who are experiencing domestic and/or family violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It also supports single women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Samaritans Foundation Diocese of Newcastle
Phone: (02) 6560 1505
Lake Macquarie Women and Family Homelessness Support Service includes two women's refuges and supports women with or without children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness affected by domestic and family violence, or who have complex needs.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: NOVA For Women and Children Incorporated
Phone: 1800 769 654
Lithgow Homelessness and Housing Support Service operating as Lithgow Community Projects, includes a women's refuge and provides homelessness support for people in Lithgow and surrounding villages, including young people, families escaping domestic and family violence, and Aboriginal people.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Lithgow Community Projects Inc.
Phone: (02) 6351 2230
Liverpool Fairfield Multipurpose Women with Children's Accommodation Support and Domestic and Family Violence Service includes two women’s refuges and supports women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Bonnie Support Services Ltd
Phone: (02) 9729 0939
Louisa Domestic Violence Service support men, women and families those escaping domestic and family violence. It provides early intervention, crisis support, case coordination, outreach, crisis and transitional accommodation and post crisis support.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Molonglo Support Services Limited
Phone: (02) 6299 4799
Lower North Shore and Northern Beaches Homelessness Support Service supports single men and women, families, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. It provides two women's refuge.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia Provider Partner: Women and Children First
Phone: (02) 9902 5100 or (02) 9971 4499 (Women & Children First)
Macarthur Gateway Resource Services works with homeless or at-risk Aboriginal women, children and families experiencing domestic and family violence, and women with drug and alcohol issues in the Macarthur and Liverpool areas.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Marcia Women's Refuge Inc
Phone: (02) 4628 0008
This service includes two women's refuges and supports women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly areas, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 9820 9048
This service supports girls and young women ages 12 to 17 years old who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. It also supports those who have experienced family breakdown, domestic or family violence.
This service is for young people; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Youth Off The Streets Ltd; Provider partner: Lillian Howell Project Inc
Phone: (02) 9557 5361
Mid-Western Homelessness and Housing Support Service provides early intervention and post-crisis support, helps clients to access long-term accommodation and supports them to maintain these tenancies.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Barnardos Australia
Phone: (02) 5319 8100
Moree Homelessness Support Service supports people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women and children affected by domestic and family violence, young parents, and young people leaving care or other institutions. This service also provides a women’s refuge.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Byamee Proclaimed Place Provider partners: Moree Family Support Inc and Moree Women's Refuge - Ngala House Inc
Phone: (02) 6752 3944
Supports young people, men, women and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women with children affected by domestic and family violence, young parents, and young people leaving care or other institutions. This service includes a women's refuge.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Narrabri & District Community Aid Service Inc
Phone: (02) 6792 4900
Blue Mountains Domestic and Family Violence, Homelessness Accommodation and Support Service supports women, with or without children, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness escaping domestic and family violence. It also provides women's refuge.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: DV West. Provider partner: Link Wentworth Housing Ltd
Phone: (02) 4732 2318
This service supports Aboriginal people, including young people, women, and families (as well as those affected by domestic and family violence), as well as men or families who are at risk of homelessness. It also supports people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Armajun Health Service Aboriginal Corporation Provider Partners: Tamworth Aboriginal Medical Service Inc, Plus X Aboriginal Corporation
Phone: 1800 276 2586
This service supports Aboriginal people, young people, women, men, and families who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness. It also includes those affected by domestic and family violence. It provides, rapid rehousing, prevention and early intervention and case management.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: RichmondPRA
Phone: 1300 779 270 or (02) 9393 9433 (Tamworth & Gunnedah)
Newcastle Eastern Suburbs Women and Family Homelessness Support Service includes two women's refuges and supports women, with or without children, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women and children affected by domestic and family violence, or who have complex needs.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Jenny's Place Inc.
Phone: (02) 4929 6289
Newcastle Western Suburbs Women and Family Homelessness Support Service supports women, with or without children, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women and children affected by domestic and family violence, or who have complex needs.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: NOVA For Women and Children Incorporated
Phone: 1800 769 654 or (02) 4023 5620
This service includes a women's refuge and provides client-centred, culturally appropriate homelessness support for Aboriginal women and families, including Aboriginal women with children affected by domestic and family violence or who have complex needs.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Warlga Ngurra Women's and Children's Refuge Inc
Phone: (02) 4950 1566
Northern NSW Aboriginal Homelessness Service support to all Aboriginal women, men, families and young people who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic and family violence in Northern NSW.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Third Sector Australia Ltd t/a Momentum Collective Provider partners: Gurehlgam Corporation Limited – ACCO, Northern Rivers Community Gateway Incorporated
Phone: 1800 387 867
Northern NSW Accommodation and Support Service supports women, men and families and young people aged 16 to 24 years old, who are experiencing homelessness and who are at risk of homelessness in Northern NSW.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Social Futures Ltd Provider Partner: Family Centre Australia Limited
Phone: 800 048 310 or 1800 719 625
Northern NSW Complex Homelessness Service provides outreach support and crisis and transitional accommodation to people experiencing homelessness while supporting them to find and move into more sustainable housing. People sleeping rough being the priority clients.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Social Futures Ltd
Phone: 1800 048 310 or 1800 719 625
Northern NSW Homelessness Support Service for Aboriginal Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence provides crisis and transitional accommodation and support, while working with Aboriginal women to resolve their homelessness as quickly as possible.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Third Sector Australia Ltd t/a Momentum Collective Provider Partner: Clarence River Domestic and Family Violence, Specialist Services Inc, Women Up North Housing Inc
Phone: 1300 900 091 or 1800 387 867
This service operating as Momentum Collective, supports women and children who are homeless or who are at risk of homelessness due to domestic and family violence in Northern NSW. It provides prevention and early intervention, crisis and transitional support, post-crisis support and follow up as wel
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Third Sector Australia Ltd t/a Momentum Collective Provider partners: Clarence River Domestic and Family Violence, Specialist Services Inc, Women Up North Housing Inc
Phone: 1300 900 091
Northern NSW Youth Homelessness Support Service provides port to young people aged 16 to 24 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and who are experiencing domestic and family violence. It provides prevention and early intervention, crisis and transitional accommodation.
This service is for young people; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Social Futures Ltd Provider Partner: Family Centre Australia Limited
Phone: 1800 048 310
Northern Sydney After Hours DV Response supports women, with or without children, who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic and family violence. It after-hours responses to women in crisis.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay
Phone: 1800 324 924
Northern Sydney Homelessness Support Service Ryde Upper North Shore supports single men, single women as well as families, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay
Phone: 1800 324 924
Northern Youth Project delivers support to young people who are experiencing homelessness and who are at risk of homelessness in Northern NSW. It provides early intervention and prevention, referrals, crisis and transitional support; and post-crisis support and follow up.
This service is for young people; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Social Futures Ltd
Phone: 1800 048 310 or 1800 719 625
Orange Homelessness and Housing Support Service for Adults and Families provides early intervention and post-crisis support, helps clients to access long-term secure accommodation, and supports them to maintain these tenancies.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Housing Plus
Phone: 1800 674 474 or 1800 959 806
Parkes Forbes Homelessness and Housing Support Service support young people,men, women and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, provides early intervention and post-crisis support, helps clients to access long-term secure accommodation, and supports them to maintain these tenancies.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Ltd
Phone: (02) 6850 1788
Parramatta/Holroyd/Hills Homelessness Service for Families includes a refuge for women with children and supports families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Wesley Community Services Limited Provider Partner: Pathways Community Care Inc
Phone: 1300 259 789, (02) 9639 7400
Port Macquarie-Hastings Homelessness Support Service for Women provides supported crisis accommodation, transition support and intensive responses for women and children with complex needs, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services Incorporated
Phone: (02) 6583 2155
Port Stephens Homelessness Support Service provides holistic homelessness accommodation and support for people experiencing homelessness, including women and families escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services
Phone: (02) 4987 1331
Queanbeyan Homelessness Support Service provides support to adults and families in the Queanbeyan-Palerang area whose tenancies are at risk, to sustain those tenancies.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Barnardos Australia Provider Partner: Molonglo Support Services Limited
Phone: (02) 6297 5827
Rural Outreach and Support Service offers information, education and support to women, men, young people and families to support them to deal with or avoid situations of domestic and family violence or homelessness..
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Rural Outreach and Support Service Incorporated
Phone: (02) 6721 0855
This service supports young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by providing outreach support, safe crisis and transitional accommodation. It prioritises young people under the age of 18 years but does not exclude 18–25 year olds.
This service is for young people; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: CORE Community Services Limited Provider Partner: Community Links Wollondilly Inc
Phone: 1800 074 922
South Western Sydney Early Intervention and Tenancy Support Service Priority supports adults and families who are newly homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, including women and children escaping domestic and family violence, and young families.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia
Phone: (02) 8784 5400
Southern Murrumbidgee Network Homelessness Service provides a women's refuge and access for clients, including those with complex needs, to homelessness support, a network of integrated services across the area, and brokerage packages.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: YES Unlimited Provider Partner: St Vincent De Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 6058 6200
St George Sutherland Integrated Adults and Families Homelessness Support Service includes two women's refuges and supports people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the St George and Sutherland areas, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 13 18 12
Sydney District Boarding House Outreach Service helps people living in boarding houses to address and resolve issues with the quality and standard of their accommodation or find alternative housing.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: : Newtown Neighbourhood Centre Inc Provider Partner: Community Restorative Centre Limited
Phone: (02) 9564 7333
Sydney District West Family Homelessness Support Service provides safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation for families, including those who are escaping domestic and family violence. It provides two women's refuges.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Women & Girls' Emergency Centre Inc
Phone: (02) 9319 4088
The service supports men, women, families and Aboriginal people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and includes women and women with children affected by domestic and family violence. It provides rapid rehousing, crisis and transitional accommodation, case management post crisis support.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Tamworth Family Support Service Ltd
Phone: 1800 073 388 (free call)
Upper Hunter Homelessness Support Service includes a women's refuge and supports individuals and families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the Singleton, Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter areas, including women (with or without children) affected by domestic and family violence.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Upper Hunter Homeless Specialist and Outreach Service Limited
Phone: (02) 6542 5051
The Upper West Homelessness and Housing Support Service supports young people, adult men and women, and families, including those who are escaping domestic and family violence, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia: Partner Provider: Gilgandra Shire Council
Phone: Lightning Ridge: (02) 6829 4352; Brewarrina: (02) 6839 2725; Barwon Cottage and Namoi House: (02) 6828 3570
Wentworth Homelessness and Housing Support Service supports men, women, families and young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with a strong focus on Aboriginal people. It provides early intervention, prevention, crisis and transitional accommodation.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Mallee Accommodation & Support Program (MASP)
Phone: (03) 5021 6591
Western Murrumbidgee Network Homelessness Service supports women, men, young people and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It includes a refuge. It provides prevention and early intervention, rapid rehousing, crisis and transitional accommodation and outreach services
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Linking Communities Network Ltd Provider Partner: The Trustee For The Salvation Army (NSW) Property Trust
Phone: (02) 6964 4804 or 1800 650 051 (after hours)
The Uniting (NSW.ACT) - Western Sydney Specialist Homelessness Services, provides various support in the Western Sydney district young people, women, men, Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW) as delegated through to Uniting (NSW.ACT)
Phone: 1800 864 846 Intake: (02) 8880 8222
Wilcannia Young People, Women and Families Homelessness and Housing Support Service helps women, families and young people, including those experiencing domestic and family violence, to access accommodation and support. It includes a women's refuge.
This service is for young people; women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Domestic Violence NSW Service Management Ltd
Phone: (08) 8091 5739
Wingecarribee Across Target Group Multipurpose Homelessness, Accommodation and Support Service helps vulnerable families, men, women, and young people, including those with complex needs such as domestic and family violence.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 4861 3400 or 131 812
Yass Valley Homelessness Support Service provides support to young people, single men and women, and families, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence who are at risk of homelessness.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Anglicare NSW South NSW West and ACT
Phone: (02) 6226 4872