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Aboriginal Outreach Casework Project support Aboriginal people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Aboriginal Corporation for Homeless & Rehabilitation Community Services
Phone: (02) 9564 2064
Aboriginal Women and Children’s Crisis Service includes a women's and children's refuge. It provides support services and crisis accommodation for Aboriginal women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness due to domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Marrickville Women's Refuge Ltd
Phone: 9558 1702
Blacktown and Hills women escaping domestic violence provides two women's refuges and supports women and their children escaping domestic and family violence. It also supports men with children and Aboriginal people experiencing Domestic and Family Violence and homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Domestic Violence NSW Service Management
Phone: (02) 9621 0800
Blacktown/Hills Homelessness Service for Single Women provides support to single women experiencing domestic and family violence. It has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal women and is accessible to women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: DV West
Phone: (02) 4732 2318
Eastern Suburbs Adults and Families Homelessness Support Service supports families experiencing domestic violence, homeless or at risk of homelessness, and requiring specialist support for mental health, drug and alcohol challenges.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 1800 152 152
Support for women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including women and children escaping domestic violence, through co-case management of clients.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Immigrant Women's Speakout Association of NSW Inc
Phone: (02) 9635 8022
The Inner City Homelessness Prevention and Support Service for Women and Women with Children provides support tom women and children experiencing homelessness. It also provides early intervention, crisis, and domestic and family violence support.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Women & Girls' Emergency Centre Inc Provider partners: Stepping Out Programme Inc
Phone: (02) 9319 4088
Inner City Rapid Rehousing Response Service for Women Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence supports supports women in inner city of Sydney who are experiencing domestic and family violence and are at risk of becoming homelessness and experiencing homelessness.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Domestic Violence NSW Service Management Ltd
Phone: (02) 9251 2405
Inner City Rapid Response Homelessness Service supports young people, women, men, transgender, gender diverse people and families to find and sustain long-term housing options.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: YWCA NSW
Provider partner: The Haymarket Foundation, Women's Housing Company
Phone: (02) 9285 6267
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - St Vincent de Paul, women, men, and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It provides prevention and early intervention, crisis and transition support, and intensive responses for clients with complex needs.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 13 18 12 Matthew Talbot Homeless Service - Inner City: (02) 9358 8102
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - The Salvation Army provides service supports young people, women, men and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: The Salvation Army Property Trust (New South Wales)
Phone: Foster House: (02) 9212 1065 Samaritan House: (02) 9211 5794 Oasis Youth: (02) 9331 2266
Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - Wesley Mission support women and men who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. . It also delivers support to chronically homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless.
This service is for women; men; Aboriginal people.
Lead provider: Wesley Community Services Limited
Phone: (02) 9361 0981
Inner West Family Homelessness Support Service provides safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children escaping domestic and family violence and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 9560 2656, 1800 152 152
Linking Hearts includes two refuges for women and children, and provides crisis and transitional accommodation for families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including women and children escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; men; families.
Lead provider: United Muslim Women Association Inc
Phone: (02) 9786 4404 After Hours: 0412 549 524
Liverpool Fairfield Multipurpose Women with Children's Accommodation Support and Domestic and Family Violence Service includes two women’s refuges and supports women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Bonnie Support Services Ltd
Phone: (02) 9729 0939
Macarthur Gateway Resource Services works with homeless or at-risk Aboriginal women, children and families experiencing domestic and family violence, and women with drug and alcohol issues in the Macarthur and Liverpool areas.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: Marcia Women's Refuge Inc
Phone: (02) 4628 0008
This service includes two women's refuges and supports women and children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly areas, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 9820 9048
Moving Forward provides specialist trauma-informed, strengths-based and client-centred case management for single women and women with children who are experiencing, escaping or have left domestic and family violence in the St George area.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Moving Forward (previously St George Women's Housing)
Moving Forward DFV Case Management Services provides specialist case management for women in the St George and Sutherland areas experiencing domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Moving Forward DFV Case Management Services (formerly St George Women's Housing)
Northern Sydney Homelessness Support Service – Lower North Shore and Northern Beaches (operates as Bringa Women’s Refuge and Delvena Women’s Refuge) provides holistic homelessness responses, including supported crisis and transitional accommodation.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia Provider partner: Manly Warringah Women's Resource Centre Ltd
Phone: 9971 4499
Northern Sydney Homelessness Support Service – Ryde and Upper North Shore provides crisis and transitional accommodation, while homeless people are supported to secure long-term accommodation.
This service is for women; men; families.
Lead provider: CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay
Phone: 9488 2400
Parramatta/Holroyd/Hills Homelessness Service for Families includes a refuge for women with children and supports families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those escaping domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Wesley Mission Provider partners: Ashley Gordon Consultancy, Churches Of Christ Community Care, 2realise, Housing Action Network, SydWest Multicultural Services, The Hills Community Aid and Information Service
Phone: 9857 2525
South Western Sydney Early Intervention and Tenancy Support Service Priority supports adults and families who are newly homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, including women and children escaping domestic and family violence, and young families.
This service is for young people; women; men; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia Provider partners: Community Restorative Centre, Domestic Violence NSW Service Management
Phone: 8784 5400
South Western Sydney Single Women Homelessness Accommodation and Support Service includes a women's refuge and provides safe and supported crisis and transitional accommodation, and intensive support for women with complex needs, including women experiencing domestic and family violence.
This service is for women.
Lead provider: Women's Housing Company Ltd Provider partner: Community Restorative Centre
Phone: 9602 9160
St George Sutherland Adults and Families Homelessness Support Service includes two women's refuges and supports people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in the St George and Sutherland areas, including women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; men; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 9350 9652
Sydney Homelessness Early Intervention Service provides early intervention and prevention support to tenants at risk of homelessness by addressing the issues that are placing the tenancy at risk.
This service is for young people; women; men; families.
Lead provider: Mission Australia Provider partners: The Salvation Army (NSW) Property Trust, YWCA NSW, The Haymarket Foundation, Community Restorative Centre, Domestic Violence NSW Service Management
Phone: 1800 272 877
The Uniting (NSW.ACT) - Western Sydney Specialist Homelessness Services, provides various support in the Western Sydney district young people, women, men, Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
This service is for young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families.
Lead provider: The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (NSW) as delegated through to Uniting (NSW.ACT)
Phone: 1800 864 846 Intake: (02) 8880 8222
Wingecarribee Cross Target Group Multipurpose Homelessness, Accommodation and Support Service helps vulnerable families, men, women, and young people, including those with complex needs such as domestic and family violence.
This service is for young people; women; men; families.
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: 4861 4847
Women’s Community Shelters provides support to women and their children experiencing homelessness and domestic and family violence.
This service is for women; families.
Lead provider: Women’s Community Shelters Limited
Phone: Northern Beaches (02 9977 7772); Hornsby Ku-ring-gai (02 8411 2046); The Hills Shire (02 9680 2654); Bayside Council (02 9341 7725); Parramatta (02 9874 4182)