Payment options
Last published 01 Jun 2020
We offer many easy payment options to pay your rent, water, rental bond (if applicable) and other accounts. You can pay:
- through the Rent Deduction Scheme
- online via epay on our website:
- through BPAY
- by direct debit
- though the Rentstart Bond Loan Deduction Scheme
Rent Deduction Scheme (RDS)
If you receive an income from Centrelink, you can have your Homes NSW payments automatically taken from your pension or allowance. Simply complete the Online Tenancy Form or an Authority for rent deduction form available at your local Homes NSW Housing Servcies office. The scheme is voluntary and free and you can withdraw from the scheme at any time.
Pay your Homes NSW accounts and Rentstart Bond Loan repayments via a secure online page through the MyHousing app or DCJ website, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Homes NSW payments
To pay rent, water and other tenancy related charges (such as a rental bond if required) you will need your rent Payment Reference Number for all payments. Allocate the amount you wish to pay for each account (i.e. rent, water, rental bond, etc) and follow the instructions to complete the transaction.
Pay rent and other tenancy charges
Rentstart Bond Loan
To repay your Rentstart Bond Loan you will need your Rentstart Bond Loan Payment Reference Number.
Repay your Rentstart Bond Loan
If you need assistance, please phone the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322.
BPAY lets you pay your accounts by telephone or by Internet banking 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To use BPAY©, you need to register for Internet or phone banking with your financial institution.
For rent, water and other tenancy charges:
- The Biller Code is 334292
- The PRN will be on your tenancy agreement or quarterly statement. (i.e. rent, water).
For Rentstart Bond Loan payments
- The Biller code is 203570
- The PRN will be your Rentstart Bond Loan payment reference number.
Direct Debit - Homes NSW accounts
Direct debit allows you or other household members to have your rent, water and other tenancy related charges (such as a rental bond if required) taken from your bank, building society or credit union account and credited to your Homes NSW accounts.
To pay by direct debit you will need to complete the Direct Debit Request form. Speak to your Client Service Officer for more information about how to set up payments.
*Note: direct debit is not a payment option for Rentstart Bond Loans.
Rentstart Bond Loan Deduction Scheme (BLDS)
If you receive an income from Centrelink, you can have your Rentstart Bond Loan payments automatically taken from your pension or allowance. The scheme is voluntary and completely free and you can withdraw from the scheme at any time. Simply complete the Authority for Bond Loan deduction online form.
More information?
For more information call the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322 or visit your local Homes NSW Houisng Services office.