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What is a WDO?

Work and Development Orders (WDOs) are created by Revenue NSW for participants to clear unpaid fines through a wide range of activities or treatment programs. Participation in the WDO program is voluntary.

This means if you have a fine and cannot easily pay it, you can choose to participate in an activity where your time will go towards reducing some or all of the fine. The types of activities can include things like unpaid work, attending a life skills course, seeing a counsellor, having drug or alcohol treatment or participating in a mentoring program. The amount by which the fine is reduced will depend on the activity you complete.

If you under 18 and are in statutory out-of-home care or between 18 – 25 years and have left care you are eligible to participate in the WDO program.

Your application must be supported by an approved sponsor organisation, or in the case of medical/health treatment, a health practitioner qualified to provide that treatment.

For more information about how to apply and conditions of a WDO, speak with your caseworker or visit or call the WDO hotline on 1300 478 879.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019