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Disability Modifications Policy

1. Background

This policy explains how DCJ and LAHC manages disability modification work requested by a tenant or an approved housing applicant.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all properties owned by the Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) or the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) managed by Communities and Justice (DCJ), or a community housing provider.

This policy does not apply to properties leased under the Headleasing Program; Private Rental Subsidy; or properties both owned and managed by community housing providers.

3. Policy statement

Tenants or approved housing applicants with an identified need for a disability modification may apply for a modified/adaptable home or to have a property modified.

Requests for Modifications Not Requiring an Occupational Therapist Report require a letter of recommendation from a relevant health professional.

Major modifications require an Occupational Therapist report and an Occupational Therapist Summary Report.

The Home Modification Guidelines (HMG) has been developed to guide professionals undertaking Occupational Therapist assessments. The Occupational Therapist Summary Report (Page 27) accompanies the Occupational Therapist report which details the medical condition, required disability modifications and drawings (including measurements) to inform the exact placement of the modification .

For approved housing applicants, once a suitable property has been identified and accepted by the client, an Occupational Therapist report and Occupational Therapist Summary Report is required for major modification  work, apart from items listed in the Modifications Not Requiring an Occupational Therapist Report

DCJ will assess these requests and if a property is not suitable for modification, clients may be transferred to another dwelling. See the Changing a Tenancy policy.

If the person with disability moves out of their modified  property, DCJ may relocate the remaining occupants so that the modified dwelling can be offered to others with similar disability requirements. See the Tenancy policy supplement for more information.

Legislation and compliance

Modifications will be managed in accordance with:

Further information

Related documents to housing modifications include:

Appealing decisions or actions

Clients are unable to appeal a decision declining requested modifications  unless they are residing in the property.

If a tenant disagrees with a decision concerning modifications to their home, they should contact their Client Service Officer and if they still disagree can then seek a formal review of the decision.

For information on how reviews work, the client can ask their Client Service Officer for a copy of the fact sheet Appeals and Reviewing Decisions, or read the Appeals policy.

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Last updated: 18 Dec 2023