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Homes NSW can offer financial assistance to help you keep your private rental tenancy.

Tenancy Assistance for eligible private tenants who need help with rent and water arrears.

Private Rental Subsidy helps with medium-term accommodation, before social housing becomes available.

Rent Choice provides financial assistance for up to three years to help sustain a private rental tenancy. Different Rent Choice products may be offered for eligible clients in the following situations:

Rent Choice Start Safely for people escaping or at risk of domestic and family violence.

Rent Choice Youth for young adults aged 16 to 24 years.

Rent Choice Veterans for former members of the permanent Australian Defence Force.

Rent Choice Assist for people who have experienced a significant financial setback such as illness or job loss.

Rent Choice Transition for social housing tenants who want to move to a private rental tenancy.

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Last updated: 16 Jul 2024