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For birth parents

For more detailed information about the study:

Parents who have had their child(ren) restored will be invited to join in the study and complete a face-to-face interview at 18-24 month intervals during the study.

You will be given a brochure and  consent form before each interview. If your child(ren) is older than seven years, you will be given information about the questions in their interview. See the questions given to 7–11 year olds and 12–17 year olds .

The longitudinal study completed the 5th round of interviews in December 2020 and the 6th round of interviews are currently taking place until the end of 2023.

Important documents

Helpful resources

Where can you get support

Family by Family: A network of families helping other families make changes they want to make in their lives.
Phone in NSW: (02) 9628 5872

Relationships Australia: Relationship support services.
Phone: 1300 364 277

Parent Line: Telephone counselling, information and referral for parents and carers of children 0–18 years in NSW.
Phone : 1300 100 052

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Last updated: 02 Nov 2023