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Reducing food waste

NSW households throw away more than 800,000 tonnes of food per year

Buying things that are Australian owned/made or locally grown is better for our economy and the environment.

  • Purchase items with less packaging. The cost of the packaging is built into the cost of the item, making it more expensive to buy single-serve items than a larger amount of the same food.
  • Check your cupboard before you go shopping and always shop from a list.
  • Buy fruit and vegetables in season and locally grown. They are often cheaper and taste better.
  • Say no to plastic bags and take your own reusable bags.
  • Only buy what you need or try to use what you already have. NSW households throw away more than $2.5 billion worth of edible food every year.

For further information about how to reduce food waste at home go to Love Food, Hate Waste.

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Last updated: 16 Aug 2023