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Benefits of the QAF

Child and young person is viewed holistically

Traditionally the child protection system was focused on child safety. It is broadly recognised that this is not enough to form long lasting relationships and a positive sense of self that we carry with us though life.

The QAF includes information around safety, permanency and wellbeing which encompasses an individual’s physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual connections.

Regularly updated reliable information sources

The QAF collects information, quarterly, from a range of reliable tools and sources, including:

  • The voice of the children and young people via the Child and Young Person Questionnaire
  • The voice of the carers via the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
  • DCJ administration data via ChildStory
  • Department of Education information via the Child Protection Information Warehouse (CIW)
  • Health via the OOHC Health Pathways program

Helping with case planning – identifying areas of need

The QAF is a continual quality assurance process of collect, review and implement this sits alongside current casework practice. Quarterly Child Overviews give up–to-date information to caseworkers to assist with decision making in activities such as case planning, reviews, transfers and financial planning. The information is not only used to assess current needs, but to assess emerging issues and can be used to track the child or young person’s progress over time.

The QAF in Action

Text alternative to the QAF in Action

Assessing our impact

Caseworkers can review Quarterly Child Overviews over time, to help caseworkers assess how decisions and activities have impacted the child’s outcomes in both a positive or negative way.

Consistency across the sector both DCJ and NGO’s

All agencies will have one source of reliable information which travels to different agencies and placements, with the child or young person whilst they are in OOHC. This will enable agencies to gain reliable historical information to build a picture of the child and young person’s life throughout their care journey.

Supporting case planning under the Permanency Support Program

As of 1 October 2017, the Permanency Support Program requires that permanency planning is embedded in each child or young person’s case plan, with a goal for achieving permanency, in most cases, within two years.

The QAF can give practitioners the reliable and comprehensive information they need to set and review case plans, and ensure they’re on track to meeting goals to keep children safe at home, or find a loving home for life with extended family or kin, foster care or through guardianship or open adoption.

Links to standards to support the accreditation process

The QAF demonstrates good practice and provides evidence which will support the accreditation process.

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Last updated: 17 Nov 2020