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The HSA documents

The HSA is a legally binding contract. It is made up of two documents that together form the HSA contract:

1. The Agreement for Funding of Services – Standard Terms (the Standard Terms)

The Standard Terms is the overarching header agreement between government agencies and a contracted organisation (an NGO service provider). It specifies the rights and responsibilities of both parties in the agreement.

2. The Agreement for Funding of Services – Schedule (the Schedule)

The Schedule outlines specific details about the services and programs being contracted, and it specifies payments. Each government agency can have a Schedule specific to their contracts or programs.

The Schedule may also include attachments. All attachments in the Schedule are legally enforceable under the agreement. For example, a Program Specification attached to the Schedule will have more detailed requirements that both parties must also comply with.

It’s important to read both parts of the HSA together: the Standard Terms and the Schedule, along with any attachments.

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Last updated: 20 May 2020