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Tips for warming and cooling

Did you know about 38% of your household’s energy is used for heating? This makes it the largest energy user in the average home.

Winter warming

Summer cooling

Open windows, doors, blinds and curtains during the day to allow fresh air and natural light into your home.

Close windows, doors, blinds and curtains in the afternoon to keep in the warmth and keep out the cold.

Open windows and doors in the early morning and late afternoon to allow cool air into your home, but make sure you keep secure.

Opening windows on opposite sides of your home for a cross-breeze can make your home feel cooler

Close doors to rooms you aren't using, to only heat the space you need.

Keep windows, curtains and blinds closed in the hottest part of the day to keep cool air in and heat out.

A lower temperature setting on your heater will use less electricity. Decreasing the temperature by 1°C can reduce heating energy use by 10%. You should set heaters between 18°C to 20°C

If your home is too hot, go somewhere cool like a library, shopping centre or the movies.

A higher temperature setting on your air conditioner will use less energy. Increasing the temperature by 1°C can reduce cooling energy use by 10%. You should set air conditioners to 26°C.

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Last updated: 16 Aug 2023