Nepean Blue Mountains Tenancy Support Service
This service provides a tenancy support response for single men and women, families, and young people whose tenancies are at risk. It also builds capacity within the specialist homelessness services sector to deliver rapid rehousing.
The service establishes and maintains relationships with social housing providers and real estate agents, and develops strong collaborative practices with mainstream service providers. It has the capacity to provide targeted outreach to people identified at risk of homelessness, including families and single adults at risk of losing their tenancy, young people under 25 years of age, and Aboriginal people with unstable housing.
This service supports: young people; women; men; families
Lead provider: Wentworth Community Housing Ltd. Provider Partners: Lithgow Community Projects, Platform Youth Services, The Gender Centre
Phone: 4777 8041 or 1800 760 071 (free call – select 6)