Illawarra-Shoalhaven Men's Homelessness Support Service
This service supports single men over 25 years old who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
It focuses on providing early intervention responses through outreach to men in the community, as well as providing crisis and transitional accommodation, and intensive responses for men with complex needs (e.g. chronically homeless and/or sleeping rough, men leaving custody and mental health facilities). Men are assisted to access and maintain stable accommodation.
The service also provides support to rapidly rehouse clients who have recently become homeless and support their transition into accommodation. Post-crisis support is also provided to help clients resolve any issues that caused their homelessness in order to prevent future episodes.
This service has a strong focus on supporting clients to develop independent living skills, including engagement in education/training and employment.
The service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal men and men from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service supports: men
Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW
Phone: (02) 4428 6207