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Who uses community housing?

Approximately 28,000 households live in community housing in NSW. Eligibility for community housing is the same as for public housing. Community housing tenants have the same rights and responsibilities as public and private tenants.

People living in community housing have very low to low incomes and are unable to meet their housing needs in the private rental market. As with public housing, community housing offers secure, affordable rental housing.

Community housing providers work in partnership with other services to support tenants when needed.

DCJ and community housing organisations have been working together to develop a range of affordable housing services. This partnership ensures that a greater proportion of households can access affordable housing.

Specialist homelessness services

Some community housing organisations also provide short-term crisis accommodation and/or short to medium term transitional housing to support people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

These services are usually provided in partnership with specialist support providers, who assist people into stable accommodation. The crisis services provided by community housing organisations are an essential part of the NSW Government’s strategy to reduce homelessness.

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Last updated: 18 Oct 2021