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If you need help now, call one of the following services
- Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463
- Child Protection Helpline 13 21 11
- Link2home Homelessness 1800 152 152
- Disaster Welfare Services 1800 018 444
- NSW Elder Abuse Helpline 1800 628 221
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- NSW Victims Access Line 1800 633 063
- Emergency services 000
To find housing or homelessness information you can
- visit the Housing page or use the search box at the top right corner of this page
- visit Housing and homelessness on the DCJ website.
To find other family and community services information you can
- visit the DCJ website:
- visit the NSW Government website.
Or if you can’t find the information you’re looking for, you can contact us.
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