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Metadata for the Reducing domestic and family violence dashboard

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Dashboard 1: Protecting children and young people

  • Risk of significant harm (ROSH) reports where Domestic and Family Violence was a reported issue
  • Households and people accessing Start Safely rental subsidy
  • Families referred to the Brighter Futures program where domestic violence was a reason for referral

Measure – ROSH reports where Domestic and Family Violence was a reported issue


The numbers refer to the total number of ROSH reports with domestic violence (or other reported issues) recording as one of the three reported issues for children and young people during the year.

The percentage figures refer to the total number of ROSH reports with domestic violence (or other reported issues) recording as one of the three reported issues for children and young people during the year as a percentage of the total number of ROSH reports during the year.

Prevalence is calculated based on all recorded issues. Domestic violence is the default reported issue in the graph.  The prevalence of other reported issues (e.g.: Physical Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Abuse) is also available using the filter.

When a child and young person concern report is received, it is first classified according to the issue that is considered most significant.  In addition, the initial assessment allows for the recording of up to 3 reported issues.  As a report can have multiple reported issues recorded, the categories reported are not mutually exclusive and do not add up to the total number of ROSH reports.

Child/young person risk behaviours include:

  • Drug/alcohol use by child or young person
  • Child inappropriate sexual behaviour
  • Suicide risk for child
  • Child or young person is danger to self/others, introduced in 2013/14
  • Children and young people self-harming behaviour, introduced in 2014/15.

Prenatal reporting is defined under Section 27 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 which provides for reports to be made for unborn children where there are concerns that the child may be at risk of significant harm after his or her birth. Prior to 2012/13 prenatal reports were captured under ‘Carer: other issues’ category.

For 2017-18 'Other issues' includes ROSH reports for additional children recorded at field assessment hence, Helpline assessed issue is not applicable.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice
The total number of ROSH reports with domestic violence (or other reported issues) recording as one of the three reported issues for children and young people during the year.
The total number of ROSH reports during the year
Data Filter
  • Financial year
  • Reported issue (all issues)
Data Limitation
Not applicable
Data Source
  • KiDS – Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW) for annual data up to 2016-17
  • ChildStory – Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW) for annual data from 2017-18

Measure – Households and people accessing Start Safely rental subsidy


This refers to the total number of Start Safely experiencing domestic or family violence who accessed the Start Safely rental subsidy in the reporting period.

Start Safely is a rental subsidy to provide short to medium term financial help to eligible clients who have experienced domestic or family violence to secure private rental accommodation and not to return to the violent situation.

Due to the introduction of Rent Choice during 2017-18, Start Safely private rental subsidy is reported under Rent Choice as ‘Rent Choice Start Safely’.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Not applicable
Not applicable
Data Filter
  • Financial year
Data Limitation
Data Source
HOMES – Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

Measure – Families referred to the Brighter Futures program where domestic violence was a reason for referral


This refers to total number of families referred to Brighter Futures program where domestic violence was a reason for referral.

Brighter Futures program is an early intervention program targeting the families of children who are at high risk of entering the statutory child protection system. Prior to July 2014, the target group was focused on those families who do not meet the ROSH threshold. From July 2014 the target group expanded to include eligible children and families where the ROSH threshold has been met.

To be able to access the Brighter Futures program, parents must be experiencing at least one of seven areas of vulnerability. If this issue is not addressed, it is likely to impact on the parenting capacity and affect the well-being of their children.

The Brighter Futures program is delivered by non-government agencies.

Due to the introduction of ChildStory, reporting on Brighter Futures program in 2017-18 is not available.

NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Not applicable
Not applicable
Data Filter
  • Financial year
Data Limitation
Data Source
  • KiDS – Corporate Information Warehouse (CIW) for annual data up to 2016-17

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019