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The Annual Statistical Report  presents our key measures to improve outcomes for children and young people, families and communities in NSW in 2021-22.

Data are reported under three key state outcome areas, which are outlined in our Strategic Directions 2020-2024. The outcome areas are:

  • Active and inclusive communities
  • Children and families thrive
  • People have a safe and affordable place to live.

Active and inclusive communities

This outcome shows how we provide a range of community supports to improve wellbeing, increase community participation, and promote social inclusion and cohesion for Aboriginal1 children, families and communities, older people, and people with disability in NSW.

Children and families thrive

This outcome shows how we support the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children, young people and families in NSW.

People have a safe and affordable place to live

This outcome shows how we provide assistance for people in NSW who were unable to access or maintain appropriate housing. It also includes information about homelessness services.

How to navigate the Annual Statistical Report 2021-22

The Annual Statistical Report for 2021-22 was redesigned to make the interface more user friendly. Users can now view both the summary and detailed data in one place, allowing a more seamless user experience.

The landing page for the Annual Statistical Report 2021-22 was redesigned so users can access the key information quickly. Basic navigation tips for the landing page are provided below:

  • To navigate to the measure list, please click on the name of the corresponding outcome area, which is bolded and underlined.
  • To navigate directly to the dashboard, please click on the corresponding tile under the outcome area of interest.

View Statistical Report 2021-22


  1. At DCJ we refer only to "Aboriginal", in recognition that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of NSW. We do not have a specific charter of service related to Torres Strait Islander people. However, we acknowledge and respect that Torres Strait Islander people are among the First Nations of Australia. Torres Strait Islander people are also included amongst our clients and staff. Refer to Information for Aboriginal people.
  2. Accuracy of Indigenous Status Data.
  3. This product includes data disaggregated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status. Prior to considering the data it is necessary that you read, understand and apply the data quality statement supplied. Please follow the link to better understand the factors that impact upon the quality of the Aboriginal data. (Indigenous Status and Aboriginal Status is used interchangeably in most data collections and in many collections Aboriginal Status includes Torres Strait Islander).

    Data in this dashboard is best viewed using the Google Chrome browser and have public sans font installed on the viewing PC. Otherwise the viewing experience may be limited.

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Last updated: 15 Nov 2023