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Abuse can affect any older person

  • Gender of older person
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse background of older person
  • Gender and age of older person in calls

Measure – Gender of older person


The numbers refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people in the reporting period.

The percentage figures refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people in the reporting period as a percentage of the total number of alleged abuse calls in the reporting period.


Department of Communities and Justice


The total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male/Other older people in the reporting period.


The total number of alleged abuse calls in the reporting period.

Data Filters

  • Financial Year
  • Gender

Data Limitations

Not applicable

Data Source

EAHRU data extracts

Measure – Culturally and linguistically diverse background of older person


The numbers refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with older people from culturally and linguistically diverse background in the reporting period.

The percentage figures refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with older people from culturally and linguistically diverse background in the reporting period as a percentage of the total number of alleged abuse calls in the reporting period.

The determination of an older person’s cultural and linguistic background is based on the response of a caller for the ‘Older Person’s Special Needs Group’ question. For a call with the ‘Yes’ response, this call is then regarded as the call about older people from culturally and linguistically diverse background.


Department of Communities and Justice


The total number of alleged abuse calls associated with older people from culturally and linguistically diverse background in the reporting period.


The total number of alleged abuse calls in the reporting period.

Data Filters

  • Financial Year

Data Limitations

Not applicable

Data Source

EAHRU data extracts

Measure – Gender and age of older person in calls


The numbers refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people under the 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85-94, or 95+ age group in the reporting period.

The percentage figures refer to the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people under the 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85-94, or 95+ age group in the reporting period as a percentage of the total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people in the reporting period.


Department of Communities and Justice


The total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people under the 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, 85-94, or 95+ age group in the reporting period.


The total number of alleged abuse calls associated with Female/Male older people in the reporting period.

Data Filters

  • Financial Year
  • Gender
  • Age Group

Data Limitations

Not applicable

Data Source

EAHRU data extracts

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Last updated: 15 Oct 2019