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The following resources provide information and advice to help you find and use the best available evidence in your work. This can help us deliver better outcomes for clients.

What is evidence? (PDF, 300.2 KB)
Steps you through the types of evidence used in decision making, where it can be found and how to understand its quality.

What is an evidence hierarchy? (PDF, 317.57 KB)
A quick guide to understanding evidence hierarchies, how they can be helpful in searching for and assessing the quality of research evidence.

Finding quality research and evidence (PDF, 304.37 KB)
Provides some useful tips on where to go to find quality research and evidence including tips on how to conduct your search.

Assessing the quality of evidence (PDF, 302.66 KB)
Steps you through how to critically assess the quality of research evidence, includes a checklist you can use to determine the quality and applicability of research findings for your work.

What is evaluation? (PDF, 278.97 KB)
Provides an overview of the types of evaluation often used in the social support sector to measure the effectiveness of interventions. Includes information on common methodologies and provides useful links to other helpful resources.

Key statistical terms (PDF, 359.73 KB)
Defines commonly-used statistical terms and methodologies, and provides guidance on how to interpret statistics.

Reading and creating tables and graphs (PDF, 302.78 KB)
Provides advice on how to represent and interpret data in tables and graphs.

Common social policy research methods (PDF, 322.97 KB)
Provides information about commonly used methods in social policy research and how this evidence can be applied.

Developing a Program Logic Guide - A step-by-step guide (PDF, 5220.66 KB)
This guide has been developed to support DCJ staff to use program logics to design, implement and evaluate evidence-informed programs.

FACSIAR Program Logic Template (DOCX, 59.63 KB)
FACSIAR's program logic template prompts DCJ staff to think through and demonstrate the links between program activities, outputs, outcomes and long-term impact. Please refer to the step-by-step guide to Developing a Program Logic when completing this template.

Webinar presentation (, 0 KB)
FACSIAR's Evidence 'How to' Guides

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Last updated: 08 Sep 2021