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Evidence and gap maps are interactive tools designed to help policy makers and program areas that commission and use research to:

  • easily identify evidence of 'what works' in a particular area
  • identify gaps in the evidence base.

While they do not synthesise research, they do help staff to identify the most relevant and robust research. Evidence and gap maps are based on a systematic search for high-quality evidence of effective interventions.

Out-of-home care evidence and gap map

In 2019, we updated our out-of-home care evidence and gap map with the latest high-quality evidence of the impact that different out-of-home care interventions have on particular child and youth outcomes.

The interactive map enables you to identify the most widely studied out-of-home care interventions to the least studied interventions. These are mapped to 11 outcome areas. The map also provides direct links to abstracts.

The evidence in the updated evidence and gap map comes from studies with children aged 0-18 years in out-of-home care that were published prior to June 2019. There are 128 primary studies and 31 systematic reviews in the updated out-of-home care evidence and gap map.

Explore the interactive Out-of-home care Evidence and Gap Map

For more information on our evidence and gap map see the following:

Interventions in out-of-home care: An updated evidence and gap map - October 2020 - Snapshot
This Snapshot provides an overview of evidence and gap maps, why they are useful, what interventions and outcomes were included in the updated OOHC evidence and gap map and some guidance on how to read the map.

Interventions in out-of-home care: An updated evidence and gap map - October 2020 - Report
This report summarises the findings from the updated systematic search. These findings have been mapped to create the updated OOHC evidence and gap map.

Out-of-home care evidence and gap map data set
You can access the full data set which lists all of the studies included in the evidence and gap map and can be filtered by intervention type, NSW Human Services Outcomes Framework outcome domains, core client outcomes and by study category.

Key Terms

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Last updated: 18 Mar 2021