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Charter for working with contracted service providers

This charter conveys the principles, values, commitments and expectations of DCJ’s working relationship with service providers to achieve positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

What we expect of our service providers

You will focus on the quality of services you deliver

You have a direct relationship with clients, positioning you to design and deliver services that are responsive to local needs.

Because of this, you will:

  • be responsive to the changing needs of the individuals, families and communities you work with
  • place client interests and desired outcomes at the forefront of service design and delivery
  • provide the agreed services to the people targeted in the contract, without discrimination
  • deal with any issues as soon as you become aware of them, to ensure swift resolution and avoid matters escalating
  • be open and transparent about complaints you receive.

You will ensure your organisation supports stable and outcomes-focused service delivery

You will:

  • be accountable for the services we have contracted you to deliver
  • have good governance and financial management practices in place
  • be transparent about risks to service delivery
  • collect data that enables you to report on your successes, measure your achievements and drive service improvements.

In addition, you will give us open, honest and constructive feedback, so that together we may work towards achieving better outcomes for clients.

You will identify emerging needs to enable us to facilitate a responsive service system

You are the eyes and ears of the service system. Its functioning relies on your insight, experience and expertise.

So we expect you to:

  • be active members of your local human services community
  • share what you know with each other and the sector at large (through your peak organisation) as well as with us
  • participate in activities that contribute to growth of the sector’s capabilities.
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Last updated: 22 May 2020