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Charter for working with contracted service providers

This charter conveys the principles, values, commitments and expectations of DCJ’s working relationship with service providers to achieve positive outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

Guiding principles for working together

Contracts define the responsibilities and obligations for the department and the organisations we contract to deliver services.

This means a positive working relationship with service providers is crucial to a contract’s success, and is key to guiding the partnership towards achieving better outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

Guiding principles set the foundation for our partnership:

  1. A strong relationship with service providers
  2. Mutual understanding of each other’s obligations
  3. A client-centric focus that places the interests of clients, communities and the desired outcomes of programs at the forefront of service design and delivery
  4. Shared responsibility for quality service and achieving the outcomes agreed in contracts.

The principles are founded on the shared values of:

  • service
  • integrity
  • accountability
  • trust
  • conducting business in an ethical manner.

Applying the principles and their values requires the commitment of both parties.

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Last updated: 22 May 2020