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Overview of carers and children

The NSW Government has begun transferring out-of-home care (OOHC) service provision from the government to the non-government sector. Our aim is that all children in statutory care will be supported by a non-government agency.

The safety and wellbeing of children and young people in OOHC is a shared responsibility within our community. Government, agencies and carers all play important roles in ensuring children receive the care and support they need.

A number of significant inquiries into the NSW OOHC system have taken places, and recommendations have been made on how to improve the system to deliver better outcomes for children in care. These have included the Usher and the Wood Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW inquiries.

The findings and recommendations of these inquiries have demonstrated the need for the OOHC system to change to better meet the needs of children, young people and their families. These recommendations have been supported by the NSW government and endorsed for implementation.

Core to the government’s endorsed implementation approach is the transition of statutory OOHC to the non-government sector.

The transition recognises NGOs are well placed to provide the support services children, young people and carers need. Simultaneously, it gives Community Services caseworkers more time to help the most vulnerable families and prevent their children coming into care.

To date, hundreds of children and young people and their carers across NSW have moved to a non-government agency.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019