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Relevant NSW legislation

Section 30 of Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (the Care Act) identifies DCJ as the agency responsible for the assessment of reports relating to children suspected of being at risk of significant harm.

Under section 17(2) of the Care Act, the Secretary may request government departments or agencies, or non-government agencies in receipt of government funding, to provide prioritised access to services to children who are at risk of significant harm and their families.

Chapter 16A of the Care Act allows for the exchange of information relating to a child’s safety, welfare or wellbeing between prescribed bodies. Section 248 of the Care Act allows the Secretary to direct certain bodies to furnish DCJ with information concerning the safety, welfare and wellbeing of a child. Sharing information is critical to gaining an understanding of a child’s circumstances and being able to accurately assess the child’s wellbeing and safety.

More information on information exchange is provided in Part 4.

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Last updated: 03 May 2021