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Triage assessment diagram

Image description: The Triage Assessment diagram is a flowchart to illustrate the process of a report from when it is transferred from the Child Protection Helpline to either a local Community Services Centre or Joint Child Protection Response Program (JCPRP) referral unit.

Values:  Pathway One: Report transferred to local Community Services Centre. Pathway Two: Report transferred to Joint Child Protection Response Program (JCPRP) referral unit.

Presentation: The flowchart illustrates the Triage Assessment pathway from two points of entry. Pathway One: Report transferred to local Community Services Centre; or Pathway Two: Report transferred to Joint Child Protection Response Program (JCPRP) referral unit.

Arrows in the flowchart lead to steps and actions that need to occur when triaging, prioritising and making decisions about reports received. Both pathways outline steps and actions that guide staff towards shared decision making meetings, discussions and case allocation.

Pathway One – If areport is transferred to local Community Services Centre (CSC) it connects by an arrow to Triage caseworker conducts relevant enquiries and analysis.

This connects by an arrow to Report is reviewed by Triage caseworker and Triage manager casework to determine action required within response timeframe.

This is connected by an arrow to Report and other relevant information is considered at the Weekly Allocation Meeting (WAM). From this point there are four connecting arrows leading to one of the following in no preference or order:

(1) Report closed due to competing priorities

(2) Report referred to another service or for an Interagency Case Discussion (ICD)

(3) Case is allocated to a caseworker for response and assessment

(4) Report held over for following Weekly Allocation Meeting (WAM).

Pathway Two – If a report is transferred to Joint Child Protection Response Program (JCPRP) referral unit. This pathway has two connecting arrows leading to one of the following decision in no preference or order:

(A)  JCPRP referral unit determines report does not meet JCPRP criteria.

This decision is connected by an arrow to Pathway One if a report is transferred to local Community Services Centre (CSC). Directing you to commence the related steps and actions for pathway one as previously detailed.

(B)  JCPRP referral unit determines report meets JCPRP criteria.

This decision connects by an arrow to Report is transferred to local JCPRP DCJ, NSW Health and Police teams. This then is connected by an arrow to Case is allocated to a caseworker, Health clinician and Police Officer for response.

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Last updated: 03 May 2021