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What is antisocial behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour includes:

  • harassment
  • criminal and illegal activities
  • behaviour that places the safety of others at risk
  • inappropriate behaviour by tenants, other household occupants and visitors that cause deliberate or reckless damage to a DCJ property.

Categories of antisocial behaviour

DCJ has defined antisocial behaviour into three categories which are treated differently for the purposes of regulation.

  1. Severe Illegal Behaviour is behaviour which poses a risk to the safety or security of residents or property and may result in criminal charges and/or conviction; or significant damage to a DCJ property.
  2. Serious Antisocial Behaviour involves activities that severely disturb neighbours; place the safety or security of a tenant, other household members, neighbours or DCJ staff at risk; or cause damage to a DCJ property.
  3. Minor and Moderate Antisocial Behaviour involves activities which disturb the peace, comfort or privacy of other tenants or neighbours.
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Last updated: 16 Aug 2023