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Changing, renewing or ending a tenancy

Understand how your tenancy with DCJ can be changed, renewed or ended

DCJ Housing's choice

This section briefly describes the circumstances in which DCJ Housing may relocate a public housing tenant.

Relocating tenants

From time to time DCJ Housing may require tenants to move from their home to another social housing property. The move could be because:

  • The house is too big for the household
  • The house has been modified for a person with a disability who no longer lives there
  • The property is not owned by DCJ Housing and the lease with the private landlord has expired
  • DCJ Housing intends to demolish the house and re-develop the site with more modern buildings, or
  • DCJ Housing intends to sell the house.

When this happens we will re-house the tenant in a dwelling that meets their needs.

For more information about relocations, please see the Changing a Tenancy Policy.

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Last updated: 16 Aug 2023