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Northern NSW Aboriginal Homelessness and Prevention Service

This service supports Aboriginal young people, men, women and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across Northern NSW. It focuses on prevention and early intervention, and rapid re-housing, and partners with first-to-know organisations to help early identification and referral of Aboriginal people at imminent risk of becoming homeless. 

The service assists clients to sustain their tenancies and prevent evictions from all types of tenures (public and private), helps clients to access private rental or social housing with support as needed, and provides follow-up support after clients have been housed to ensure they do not become homeless again.

This service supports: young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families

Lead provider: On Track Community Programs Ltd Provider partners: Casino Boolangle Local Aboriginal Land Council, Gurehlgam Corporation, Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council, Lismore Neighbourhood Centre.

Phone: 1300 355 305