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Illawarra-Shoalhaven Aboriginal Homelessness Community Connections Service

This service provides culturally appropriate flexible case management support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, women, men and families, with a focus on young people aged 16 to 24 years leaving care or juvenile justice facilities, and adults exiting correctional facilities or other institutional settings.

It provides prevention and early intervention, rapid rehousing, intensive responses for people with complex needs, and post-crisis support to help clients resolve any issues that caused their homelessness in order to prevent any future homelessness.

The service also provides outreach to communities, linking with people whose tenancies are at risk and supporting them to sustain tenancies through social housing, real estate agents and other providers.

This service supports: young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families

Lead provider: Illawarra Aboriginal Corporation

Phone: 4295 4565