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Water safety

Tips about how to keep children safe wherever they may be, including in the car, at the beach or pool, during hot weather and holidays, and at play..

Farm safety

Did you know 5 to 6 children drown each year in farm dams and other bodies of water? Most of these children are aged below 5, and one third are visitors to the farm.

Having a securely fenced house yard or a designated safe play area with child resistant gates and latches is the best way to prevent farm tragedies. This will help stop unsupervised access to farm hazards, such as dams and other dangers.

If children are going to swim in dams, creeks, rivers or lakes, make sure an adult is always supervising them, just like with a pool.

It's important to familiarise yourself with any of these waterways because, unlike the pool, conditions are very changeable.

The murkiness of natural waterways also means that once submerged, a child can be out of sight immediately. Always supervise children from within an ‘arms length’ of where they are swimming or playing in the water.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019