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Caring for children with a disability

The importance of early intervention, dealing with a diagnosis of disability and where to find support for you and your child

Dealing with a diagnosis of disability

After a diagnosis of disability, it's very common for parents to feel emotionally overwhelmed.

You might feel sad thinking about your disappointed dreams for your child. There can be feelings of blame and fear about what the future will look like.

Know that this is completely normal. Acknowledging your emotions, rather than trying to push them away, is the healthiest thing to do.

These negative feelings won't stay forever. Most parents and families eventually come to terms with the diagnosis and start to feel OK. When that happens, you will be ready to move on with your life and start helping your child.

In the meantime, it's important to look after yourself. Take some time, talk to people close to you and get to know other parents who are in a similar situation.

Enjoy time with your child

Children with a developmental delay or disability are first and foremost children. Their disability is not the most important part of who they are.

Your child might be developing differently from other children, but there will be plenty of achievements and milestones she or he will be reaching along the way.

Celebrate and focus on progress - yours and your child’s. Cherish this time and try to see your child as simply the person you love and want to raise - beyond the disability.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019