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Participating in case planning

You will be involved in making a plan for your child, called a case plan. Case plans are developed in consultation with you, your child, your caseworker and the child or young person’s foster carer.

Case plans vary depending on what a family needs, but always describe what you and other important people in your child’s life, including health care specialists, need to do in the best interests of your child.

Birth parents

As a birth parent, you can participate in decision-making by:

  • attending conferences and meetings
  • having a support person accompany you to a meeting or conference
  • contributing agenda items for a meeting.

We understand that parents may need extra support to express their views, participate in decision-making and understand the outcomes. We can provide appropriate support to help you participate, such as arranging for an interpreter or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander support person or community representative.

Foster carers

Foster carers are encouraged to work with parents and caseworkers to ensure your child maintains regular contact with you and possibly members of your extended family and other important people in your child’s life. They will work with you and the caseworker to help your child deal with their feelings about being separated from you and their family.

When it is part of the case plan, foster carers are also trained to help prepare your child for their eventual return to your home. In most cases, the main goal will be for your child to return to their family. This could involve services being provided to you or other members of your family, such as counselling or legal advice.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019