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Informing the family of a report

It is good practice to discuss concerns with the parent or carer and to advise them of your legal or professional obligations to report your concerns to Communities and Justice (DCJ). This is especially the case for mandatory reporters who have an ongoing relationship with the parent, such as family support services, drug and alcohol services, counsellors or health care professionals.

Professional judgement

The decision to inform the family of a report should be guided by professional judgement and the principles of working in partnership with families and involving children and young people in decisions that affect them.

Stating obligations

Practitioners can prepare for this by dealing with the issue of mandatory reporting obligations early in the relationship between the parent and the service or agency. However, there may be circumstances because of the urgency of the situation or the perceived risk to the safety of the child or even to the reporter themselves, where the matter is reported prior to telling the parent or without informing the parent or carer.

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Last updated: 14 Jan 2020